Tumour is a mass of abnormal or diseased cells. A tumour does not necessarily mean that its a malignant( cancerous) condition. Most of the hand tumours are benign or non cancerous.
A tumour can occur in the Skin, Tendon, Nerve, Blood vessels, Bone, Fat cells
The treatment depends upon the nature of the condition. Its location, duration, symptoms etc. not all tumour needs surgery. Your Hand surgeon is the best judge what treatment you require for the tumour.
Few common examples:
Ganglions are jelly like fluid filled tumours .they are benign in nature.they may arise at various place like dorsal wrist from scapholunate joint,
volar radial ganglionic cyst arising from radio schaphoid joint,tendon sheath & rarely you may find intraosseous ganglionic cyst in scaphoid & lunate bone
Dorsal ganglionic cyst of wrist with pain
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